You have reached the PALS Landing Page which will guide you through the process of registering for PALS-25 in Manila, Philippines. Please follow the prompts to complete the registration process.
All PALS-25 participants are required to have an APAN Account. Please click the button below to create an APAN Account. Make sure you remember which email address you use for your APAN account.
Create an APAN Account
If you have already created an APAN Account, and your account has been disabled, please click the button below.
Recover your APAN Account
To complete the PALS-25 registration process you must be logged into APAN. Please click the button below to log into APAN.
Login to APAN
Click the button below to register for PALS-25. Country representatives, with an APAN account, may register multiple participants or each participant may register individually, with their individual APAN account. Please complete the registration form with detailed information. For Representatives not attending the Symposium in person, you may still receive PALS-25 access, but please acknowledge that you will not be attending the event in person when filing out your registration. Registration may take up to 24 hours after submitting your registration form.
Submit PALS-25 Registration
After logging into APAN, access to the PALS-25 can be found by clicking the "Groups" tab. If you are having trouble reaching the PALS 25 site you can click the button below.
Go to the PALS-25 Site