Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Assumes Responsibility for DoD Unclassified Information Sharing Service (UISS)
Effective 1 October 2011, DISA’s Multinational Information Sharing (MNIS) Portfolio Management Office (PMO) assumed management and funding responsibility for the UISS. The existing All Partners Access Network (APAN) serves as the baseline for UISS, now an enterprise service centrally funded for all Combatant Commands (COCOMs) to use with mission partners in their respective areas of responsibility.
Key Points for Community of Interest (COI) Owners / COCOM Knowledge Managers (KMs), and potential customers contemplating APAN as their information sharing platform:
- UISS planning focuses on making the shift from the Pacific Command (PACOM) to a centrally provided service transparent to the established APAN community.
- The Pacific Warfighting Center (PWC) at PACOM J7 will continue under the enterprise construct to provide APAN services to existing customers and will respond to new requests for service based on available resources and a ramp-up strategy in FY12.
- Combatant Commands with previous Fiscal Year 2011 Service Level Agreements with the PWC will continue to receive the same support through this transition to an enterprise service but will receive the service through the centralized funding business model.
- The formal acquisition requirements process for capability requests for the UISS baseline is being finalized through a governance process working forum which is intended to provide the UISS customer base with a clear path for submitting requirements and advocating for validation and prioritization for funding and execution. COCOMs are to be able to stimulate the process with their requirements and priorities for capability. More information will be made available as it is developed.
For Program Administration Questions:
DISA MNIS Portfolio Manager, Ms. Susan Eaton, (301) 225-5066
DISA MNIS PMO UISS Project Lead, Col Michael Kuchta, (301) 225-5061
DISA UISS Implementation Manager, Ms. Carrie Blazek, (301) 225-5040
DISA UISS Implementation Engineer, Mr. Carey Burris, (301) 225-5033