Army Mobilization & Deployment Reference (AMDR)
DoDI 1400.25 V431 DPMAP Click Here
Management of Civilian Personnel in Support of Contingency Operations AR-690-11
AECW Deployments:
Site Manager:
Deployment Coordinators are the heart beat of the Expeditionary Civilian Workforce program, as well as for internal unit deployments. Your ability to process requests for deployment (RFDs) expeditiously and effectively is critical to our support of contingency operations.
You work closely with the expeditionary civilians preparing to deploy, assist them through the pre-deployment phase and maintain continuous communication with the deployments team. You provide guidance and support to management as they review options on how they can redistribute workload and back-fill positions while their employees deploy. You are responsible for the accountability of each employee deployed, from the moment they head to the CRC for training, while they are in theater, and when they redeploy through the CRC back to home station. You are critical to the success of this mission.
Our goal in the deployments team is to support you through each phase of the deployment cycle, offer you the latest directives and guidance that impact our mission, and ensure we maintain constant communication with you, as well as with the deployed personnel.
Should you have questions, concerns or comments, you may reach us at:
During the pre-deployment phase, attention to detail and timely processing of actions is crucial. During this phase you will work with the deploying civilian on their orders, medical requirements, training requirements and all other criteria that must be completed prior to arrival at the CRC.
You will also work with management, provide guidance on the deployment process and answer all questions pertaining to the rules and responsibilities of supervisors while employees deploy.
During deployment many things may change. As the operational environment in theater and the mission continue to adjust, there may be a need for theater personnel to re-mission the deployed civilians. This remission can be quite challenging of ten times as personnel may not be fully qualified for the new needs of the theater organization. In these cases, we will work with the Deployment Coordinators in home station, as well as with USAFOR-A in-theater, to ensure the right person still fills the right positions and any changes to their mission are executed in compliance with established procedures.
Remission & Extensions Procedures: The extension/remission request process begins in theater and is processed through the responsible theater Human Resources office. The request is routed to AECW who forwards the action to the command for endorsement.
Accountability: Personnel accountability is a shared responsibility. Commanders, Managers/Supervisors, the deployed Employee and the Deployment Coordinators all have a critical role in the accountability process. You must provide constant oversight of accountability as you are required to enter all information in AUTONOA. The AutoNOA Command Deployment Tracker is a tool used for accountability of deployed Army Civilians.
AutoNOA User Guide
All Civilians are required to redeploy back through the same deployment site (CRC) upon completion of their deployment tour of duty. Civilians are required to prepare for re-deployment no less than 30 days prior to their specified end-of-tour date.
Camp Atterbury Indiana (CAIN) Redeployment Guide: Click Here
Reintegration: After Civilians complete the post deployment out processing, they will then go through the reintegration period. The reintegration period is the process in which a civilian returns to home station or back to duty upon completion of deployment.
-Employee must complete the Post Deployment Health Assessment (PDHA) (DD Form 2796) within 30 days of redeployment. -Employee must complete the Post Deployment Health Re-Assessment (PDHRA) (DD Form 2900) 90-180 days after redeployment.