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Program Description
This program’s goal is to advance the understanding of the space environment to improve space situational awareness (SSA). The space environment affects all orbiting objects and has impact on communication, navigation, and other programs of relevance to the Air Force. Focus areas for this program include solar storm prediction and transport through the inner heliosphere; radiation and energetic particle distributions occurring in quiet conditions or from storm events; bottom-side structure of the ionosphere and its impact on radar propagation; prediction and trigger mechanisms of ionospheric scintillation and associated plasma instabilities; thermospheric dynamics (energy deposition, neutral winds, etc.) and its effects on atmospheric drag on satellites; and the atmospheric physics which impact satellite communications at various frequencies. Current instruments and models have advanced the state of the art over the past decade, but more accurate predictive modeling and simulation is needed. New instruments and models, particularly coupled models, are needed to understand and forecast significant space weather events. There is significant space weather research capability across Europe responding to, and understanding of, risk to national assets. Research institutions in Africa provide an opportunity to explore atmospheric physics in a unique region. Because of the potential global implications, interest in space science research is growing worldwide, providing an excellent opportunity to leverage the research investment across the community. Further information about the goals, aims, and activities can be found by contacting the EOARD Program Officer, Dr. Kent Miller, at
Information for Prospective Grantees/ContractorsInterested in AFOSR or EOARD funding for your innovative research ideas? Here’s how to get started!
Information for Current Grantees/ContractorsAlready working with EOARD? Here’s what you need to know!
Information for Windows on Science (WOS)In addition to support of research grants and technical exchanges, we provide travel funding for foreign scientists to present and discuss their research with interested AF/DoD parties. See WOS information and forms to learn more.
Program OfficerDr. Kent
About EOARDEstablished in 1952, the mission of the European Office of Aerospace Research & Development (office symbol: AFRL/AFOSR/IOE) is to discover, shape, and champion fundamental research of profound scientific impact and Air Force relevance. Located in London, our area of engagement includes Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and former Soviet states. EOARD provides direct financial support (and support on behalf of other AF and DoD funding agencies) for innovative international science, primarily through research grants. In addition, we support technical exchanges and visiting scientists to foster collaborations between leading researchers and the Air Force research community. (Contact a Program Officer or