DAF Learning Collaboratorium

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2024 Learning Symposium Introductions!

This is the symposium meetup, introduce yourself below! What is your nickname? Who are you representing? How far are you traveling? What are you most curious about?

  • Hey Cus, thanks for starting this thread! I'm Aaron Parker, coming from the Wargaming Institute at Air University's LeMay Center.

    I'm very interested in digital transformation competency modeling.
  • Kyle Robinette here, Air University (CMSgt Leadership Academy), go-by is Kyle. I am looking forward to working with everyone, and specifically learning more about competency modeling in education and wargaming. This is definitely a gap area for me, so I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to learn from all of you!
  • Hey Everyone, I'm Jason Compton, from Air Force Lessons Learned (AFLL) attached to the LeMay Center. I'm interested in what ideas are being generated that discuss airmen development and the tools to get there. Looking forward to this experience.
  • Hey Team, Eric Johnson from HAF/A1DL. I'm the Career Field Manager for Education and Training. I'm interested in how others rolled out competencies for their functional communities and what tools/resources were given. Looking for best practices to steal :-)
  • Hi all, Doc Davis from 2 AF Technical Training here. We are doing great things with foundational and occupational competencies for our Enlisted and Officer students. Looking forward to a collaborative discussion and meeting you all!
  • In reply to Eric Johnson:

    Eric, Thanks for all the collaborations thus far. I’m also very interested to hear the discussions between CFMs and learning community members specifically when it comes to Airmen Development Command. What changes do you anticipate will be the most relevant your position?
  • Hi everyone! I'm Stefanie Deisher, traveling from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio to represent USAF School of Aerospace Medicine (USAFSAM). I'm curious to learn more about transitioning to competency modeling and the change management process to ensure effective implementation. Excited to learn along side you all!
  • Jason Eskew, coming from AFRL at WPAFB.

    I am looking at the awareness, implementation, and measurement of competencies within the workforce's daily environment vice the traditional education/training atmosphere.
  • In reply to Jason Eskew:

    I’m very excited to hear/learn from the discussions between those implementing in the education space and those implementing in an operational environment. So much value in sharing those perspectives. Are there any specific inquiries, scenarios or use cases you have in mind?
  • Cus, I am Dr. Laura Walden (Doc). I lead the Manpower Training schoolhouse at the Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency on JBSA Randolph. I am interested in role-based competencies and how we can use them to fill KSA gaps.
  • Hi everyone! I am Chief Master Sergeant Jamie Stewart. I am the Chief for Enlisted Promotions Policy at AFPC. I am looking forward to meeting everyone and seeing what I can learn this week.
  • Hello! Deborah [Deb] McCord here. I am representing the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC) and I'm traveling from Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. I am most interested in learning how the AF plans to implement functional/occupational competencies within each career field/job series and any best practices for implementing the use of AF Foundational Competencies. I'm also really looking forward to networking!
  • Good morning all! I am Daniel Mendoza, call me Dan. I represent the 782 Training Group traveling in from Sheppard AFB in Wichita Falls, TX. I currently sit in an Eval Chief position and am most curious about competency modeling as most people in the group are also.
  • Good morning, all!

    Below is the link for the digital collection of Posters. I thought this might be helpful to share.