
-The DPW, led by the Regional Engineer, is responsible for the master planning, programming, acquisition, construction, operation, maintenance, repair, sustainment, restoration, modernization, accountability, management, and disposal of Real Property within the assigned geographical region, while ensuring environmental stewardship, compliance, training, and energy sustainability are achieved. The DPW conducts BASOPS budget execution and support functions that provide mission capable facilities and infrastructure which enable subordinate and supported commands, units, activities, and organizations within the RD AOR to build Soldier and Unit readiness.

- The Regional Engineer, if delegated by the RD Commanding General, appoints the Site/Center Commander who in turn appoints Facility Coordinators, Environmental Officers, Physical Security Officers, etc. See AR 140-483 for additional guidance. Center Commander and Facility Coordinator duties as outlined in RD Pam 420-1 and AR 140-183 apply to all appointments for each facility. Critical functions will include coordination of ACFT and other mass training events offered in each facility.
