

a. The SJA is a member of the RD personal staff and is the RD CG’s primary legal with response to all issues.  The SJA has direct access to the CG on military justice matters pursuant to Article 6, Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) (10 U.S.C. § 806). The SJA assists the CG and the RD staff by providing legal reviews of all RD programs and activities. The SJA identifies legal problems and participates fully in determining legally acceptable decisions and, where appropriate, counsel to assist in course of action development and selection. The SJA has technical responsibility for the supervision and training of all RD Judge Advocate Legal Services personnel, including responsibility for handling of suspected violations of the Rules of Professional Responsibility for Lawyers (AR 27-26).

b. RD Office of the SJA (OSJA) personnel performs all of the functions described below for their commands. U.S. Army Reserve GF Commands generally have organic Judge Advocate assets providing the commands with legal advice across the full spectrum of issues. The RD, however, provide the GF Commands certain support as described below.



Contract and Fiscal Law

Environmental and Real Property Law

Administrative Law

National Security Law

Labor and Employment Law

Legal Assistance
