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DFAS DHA (Direct Hire Authority) Postings
Special hiring authorities are created to help agencies fill vacancies in the competitive service under certain circumstances, such as filling critical skills gaps or a severe shortage of candidates. The Office of Personnel Management can determine when there is either a severe shortage of candidates or critical hiring need for such positions. Congress can also provide DHA directly to departments and/or agencies for specified purposes. A DHA expedites hiring within Title 5 by eliminating competitive ranking and rating procedures and veterans’ preference. DFAS uses several DHAs as strategic tools in overall workforce and succession planning efforts.
• Paid 13.3 Million Commercial Invoices
• Made 5.6 Million Travel Payments
• Made $612.2 Billion in Disbursements
• Made $169.1 Billion in Intragovernmental Payments(IPAC)
• Maintained 50.7 Million General Ledger Accounts
• Accounted for 1,530 Active DoD Appropriations
• Managed $28.5 Billion in Accounts Receivables
• Managed $1.9 Trillion in Military Retirement and Health Beneits Funds
• Managed Foreign Military Sales Cases reimbursed by foreign governments valued at $845 Billion
DFAS pays all DoD military and civilian personnel, retireesand annuitants, as well as major DoD contractorsand vendors. DFAS also supports customers outside theDoD in support of electronic government initiatives.Customers include the Executive Office of the President,the Department of Energy, the Department of VeteransAffairs, the Department of Health and Human Servicesand the U.S. Agency for Global Media.
Since its inception, the agency has consolidated morethan 300 installation-level offices into 10 DFAS sites andreduced the number of systems in use from 330 to 70.As a result of BRAC efforts begun in FY 2006, DFAS hasclosed 20 sites, realigned headquarters from Arlingtonto Indianapolis and established a liaison location in Alexandria, Virginia.
DFAS is financed as a Working Capital Fund, obtainingrevenue by charging its customers for the services itprovides rather than being funded directly.
The agency sets annual rates two years inadvance based on anticipated workload and estimatedcosts calculated to offset any prior year gains or losses.DFAS operations are subject to oversight by DoD as wellas the executive and legislative branches of the federalgovernment.
DFAS has steadily reduced operating costs and hasreturned those savings to its customers in the form ofdecreased bills and improved service. These savings area result of the agency's robust search for continuousinnovation and enhanced business practices.
Federal Resumes are different than those of the private sector. In a Federal Resume...
Below are a couple different resources that will be helpful in writing and perfecting your Federal Resume.
USAJOBS https://help.usajobs.gov/faq/application/documents/resume/what-to-include
GSA https://handbook.tts.gsa.gov/hiring-staying-or-changing-jobs/resume/
DEPARTMENT OF LABOR https://www.dol.gov/general/jobs/tips-for-writing-a-federal-resume
The Defense Finance & Accounting Service (DFAS) provides employment opportunities for men and womenwho honorably served on behalf of our nation.
A DFAS career offers you an opportunity to work in an award winning organization and serve our nation and war fighters who defend it worldwide.
The Hire a Hero Program is not a guaranteed job, it however allows participants to be on a specialized list with a smaller number of applicants. This list will increase your exposure to hiring managers giving applicants a better opportunity for a job offer.
DFAS utilizes several Veteran Hiring Authorities when employing potential candidates. These Hiring Authorities are:
An agency may give a noncompetitive temporary appointment of more than 60 days or a term appointment to any veteran:
For questions about DFAS Veterans hiring, or the DFAS Hire a Hero Program please contact DFAS Hire a Hero Coordinator