The Training & Education section provides a list of all courses GCKN offers the Army. These courses focus on how to understand the operational environment (i.e., ways to conduct analysis) and include how units can leverage Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).

 Robert Kurz, Director:  ♦  Operational Environment Enterprise:  ♦  PiX:

Exploitable Conditions Framework (ECF) Course is a scalable (1-2 days) course of instruction that introduces the ECF as an analytic structure, explains how to apply it, and then guides analysts through the development of a preliminary ECF assessment of a select geographic area. The course demonstrates the ECF’s value to planning and decision-making by highlighting causes of instability and creating a more nuanced understanding of potential adversary actions. Instructors emphasize the tool’s operational value by using GCKN products as exemplars. A 2-hour introduction to the ECF with Q&A is also available.

 Adapted Grounded Theory Methodology (AGTM) Workshop is a 5-day or extended distance learning course that provides analysts with a basic practical understanding of the AGTM. GCKN instructors guide analysts through an RFI response process from which they can provide detailed, auditable explanations for complex questions about the OE. Courses are ready-made to handle common questions or can be tailored to specific research requests. In addition, the course includes SME participation to augment and refine the analysis as designed by the AGTM process. A 2-hour introduction to the AGTM with Q&A is also available.

Training and Education Courses Handout