OEE Red Diamond JUL16

This issue of Red Diamond opens with an article on Blueprint Two of the Threat 2025+ project, an ACE-TI
initiative to produce a blueprint series capturing future threat tactics from a threat perspective for training. The
blueprints are rooted in Training Circular (TC) 7-100.2, Opposing Force Tactics, and represent projected threat
capabilities. The intent of the blueprints is to validate the current hybrid threat (HT) requirements for training and
the current HT force structure at training centers Armywide. This article discusses one blueprint in detail,
Irregular Force Attacks in Urban Terrain, and explains the conditions for its use in training. An article on maneuver defense describes significant
actions portrayed as conducted by an opposing force (OPFOR) brigade tactical group (BTG) in US Army training events. A vignette describes an OPFOR BTG conducting a maneuver defense to defeat an attack in zone by a US Army armor brigade combat team. Aspects of threat
brigade-echelon capabilities observed in recent and current tactical real-world operations, such as substantial air defense, indirect fires, electronic warfare
capabilities, and other combat power enablers, are present in the BTG task organization. The upcoming Threat Tactics Report (TTR) on militant
groups operating in Pakistan contains information such as a strategic overview of the country, threat actors operating within its borders, and common tactics used by such groups. An article derived from this TTR includes discussion of the operational environment and a snapshot of two tactical actions. While the Russian BTR-80 armored personnel carrier has been around since 1984, the BTR-82A that came out in 2009 doubled its combat effectiveness. BTR-82A origins date to the late 1990s, when the Russians decided their ground forces needed a better interim vehicle until a replacement could be fielded. Due to the major changes
in capabilities, the 2016 Worldwide Equipment Guide will contain a separate sheet dedicated to this new vehicle. The ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia has renewed interest in Russian techniques and procedures. The hybrid warfare in this conflict includes the use of irregular militias on both sides with training from special purpose forces. This article focuses on militia battalions supporting Ukraine, while one in a later edition of Red Diamond will focus on pro-separatist groups. In the world of military armaments, there are two iconic heavy machine guns (HMGs): the Browning M2 .50 caliber and the DShK. The final article addresses the latter, along with two later variants—the NSV and the KORD. A discussion of how the threat employees HMGs and the ammunition types typically available is also included.
