RSI Events Calendar

January February March

20-24:   Atlantic Council-A “No Limits Partnership”: Sino-Russian Relations in an Era of Strategic Competition-Invite Only

22:  CNAS: The New Axis of Upheaval: Understanding and Forecasting the Growing Defense Cooperation Among Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea -Invite Only

06:  Project Connect: Roger McDermott-  Escalation Management à la Russe: A Multi-Domain Operations Game for NATO Strategic Planners

07: FPRI:  Project Launch Russian and Chinese Interests and Influence in the Indo-Pacific

12:  Project Connect: Andrew Monaghan- “Living in Different Worlds?” Interpreting Russia’s Cognitive Maps, Strategy and Scenario Planning Through 2030

 11FPRI:  Report 2-Russian and Chinese Interests and Influence in the Indo-Pacific
April May June

(T) 23: Lecture: Oscar Jonsson- "The Future of Russian Future War Thinking"

(T) 30:  Project Connect: Ivan Klyszcz- “The Red Sea in Russia's Wartime Foreign Policy: Goals and Impact

(T) 30:  Project Connect: Marcin Kaczmarski- “Rivalry Avoided (again): The Impact of Russia’s War Against Ukraine on Sino-Russian Relations in Central Asia

(T) 30:  Project Connect: Richard Connolly- “From Wartime Adaptation to Hyper-Militarization? Prospects for Russia’s Defence Economy

July August September
October November December

 Recordings and Details of Previous Events : 2024 |  2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020