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RSI will host Dmitry Gorenburg, Elizabeth Wishnick, and Paul Schwartz from the CNA Russia and China Studies Programs to discuss their recently published RSI sponsored work "Russian-Chinese Military Cooperation.” They will highlight the role of military diplomacy and political aspects of the relationship, military-technical cooperation, and exercises and joint operations. The discussion will focus on indications that China-Russia military cooperation has not grown linearly over time, with some aspects undergoing periods of rapid expansion, while others have stagnated.
Dmitry GorenburgSenior research Scientist, CNA Russia Studies Program
Dmitry Gorenburg is Senior Research Scientist in the Strategy, Policy, Plans, and Programs division of CNA, where he has worked since 2000. Dr. Gorenburg is an associate at the Harvard University Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies and previously served as Executive Director of the American Association of the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS). His research interests include security issues in the former Soviet Union, Russian military reform, Russian foreign policy, and ethnic politics and identity. Dr. Gorenburg is author of Nationalism for the Masses: Minority Ethnic Mobilization in the Russian Federation (Cambridge University Press, 2003), and has been published in journals such as World Politics and Post-Soviet Affairs. He currently serves as editor of Problems of Post-Communism and was also editor of Russian Politics and Law from 2009 to 2016. Dr. Gorenburg received a B.A. in international relations from Princeton University and a Ph.D. in political science from Harvard University. He blogs on issues related to the Russian military at
Elizabeth WishnickSenior Research Scientist, CNA China Studies Program
Elizabeth Wishnick is an expert on Sino-Russian relations, Chinese foreign policy and Arctic strategy.
At CNA, Wishnick contributes her dual regional expertise on China and Russia, including professional proficiency in both languages, to research and analysis of Xi Jinping’s risk-taking, Sino-Russian military cooperation, China’s Arctic policy, and Chinese and Russian disinformation. She was part of a team that won CNA’s CEO Teamwork Award for Arctic research.
Wishnick is also a senior research scholar at Columbia’s Weatherhead East Asian Institute and a professor at Montclair State University, where she has taught political science. She has also received two Fulbright awards and been a fellow at Harvard University, Stanford University and the Wilson Center.
Wishnick received a doctorate in political science from Columbia University, a Master of Arts in Russian and East European studies from Yale University, and a Bachelor of Arts in political science from Barnard College.
Paul SchwartzResearch Scientist, CNA Russia Studies Program
Paul Schwartz is a Research Scientist in CNA’s Russia Studies Program. In this capacity, he conducts research and analysis on Russia’s military and its defense and security policy for the U.S. military and the Intelligence Community. He has conducted in-depth analyses on Russia’s military strategy and doctrine, the Russian Federation Navy, Russian Ground Forces, and the Russian defense industry. He has completed several projects on Russian-Chinese military relations and has written extensively on these topics. He recently authored two papers on Russian-Chinese military transfers (2021) and combined military exercises (2022) published by the Center for Strategic and International Studies. He previously authored a chapter on the “Military Dimension in Sino-Russian Relations” for a compendium volume on Russian-Chinese relations published in 2019. Mr. Schwartz is currently a Senior Associate (non-resident) in the Europe, Russia, and Eurasia Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.