Athena enables decision makers to anticipate the consequences of their engagement options by evaluating their impact across the full range of operational variables – Political, Military, Economic, Social, Infrastructure, Information Physical Environment and Time (PMESII-PT).
Modeling and simulation has underpinned Army training, experimentation, and analysis for more than three decades; recent advances in computational processing now enable the modeling of human behavior dynamics across the totality of the Operational Environment. Athena is the Army’s only deterministic, sociocultural modeling capability suitable to support training, experimentation, analysis, and mission command tasks.
Computational modeling with the Athena Simulation can illuminate the 2nd & 3rd order effects rippling across the OE enabling the intended and unintended impacts of an operational decision to be evaluated.
Improves Situational Understanding:Athena addresses a commander’s need for improved situational understanding by providing timely and accurate information. Sociocultural representations are some of the most significant training and analytical gaps found in our Armed Forces today. Understanding the complexities of the human domain is a critical part of understanding the totality of the Operational Environment. Athena is a sociocultural modeling capability which supports a decision maker by providing both a framework to better understand complex PMESII-PT-based problems, and a simulation for anticipating the long-term consequences of engagement choices across the Operational Environment.
Experimentation and Wargaming
Studies and Analysis
Education and Training
Deployed Support