Effective Monday, 04 December 2023

In an effort to bring Adobe Connect room content into compliance with the All Partners Access Network's (APAN) 2-year retention policy and prepare for the next upgrade, the APAN Support Team will begin deleting old files uploaded/saved to ADOBE CONNECT ROOMS ONLY.


What will be deleted during this cleanup?

The Adobe Connect File Cleanup will begin on Monday, 04 December 2023.  

The APAN Support Team will delete all documents and video recordings uploaded/saved on or before December 2021 from Adobe Connect rooms ONLY.


How do users prepare for this cleanup?

Adobe Connect hosts are encouraged to review the content stored in each Adobe Connect room they administer prior to 04 December 2023.

If Adobe Connect room hosts want to keep files uploaded or saved on or before 2021, it is their responsibility to download and save these files to a different location outside of APAN.

** Please note APAN Support will NOT download data for users.


Attention All APAN Users

All files deleted on and after 04 December 2023 cannot be recovered.  


Sign in to Your APAN Account

Steps to Access Your APAN Account

  1. Go to www.apan.org
  2. Click the Sign In button (top-right side of the page)
  3. Enter your APAN username
  4. Click the Sign In To Your Account button


How do users find their Adobe Connect data?

Steps to Access Your Adobe Connect Files

  1. Click the 3x3 grid box in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
  2. Click the “Connect” option from the drop-down menu. The Adobe Connect My Home Page will open.
  3. From the Home (gray) tab, click the “My Meetings” option (above the AllHostPresenterParticipant buttons). A list of your Adobe Connect rooms will appear.
  4. Hover over the white space to the right of the ROLE column for any room. Three icons (InformationEditLaunch) will appear. 
  5. Click the “Edit” (pencil) icon.

Steps to Download Your Saved Recordings

  1. Click the “Recordings” or ”Uploaded Content” tab. The Uploaded Content page will open.
  2. Click on the “Name” of the document or recording. The Uploaded Content Information page will open.
  3. For recordings, located the “URL for Viewing” section and copy the end of the URL.
    Example, URL for Viewing:     https://connect.apan.org/YOUR URL HERE/
    ** Do not click on the link in Adobe Connect!
  4. Paste the copied section of the URL in the highlighted section of the URL below:
    https://connect.apan.org/YOUR URL HERE/output/filename.zip?download=zip
  5. Paste the completed URL into a web browser to download your data.