RSCC-IAP affords Asia Pacific SOF and Interagency Partners education and training to build partnerships that enable the defeat of transnational threats and contribute to regional security, stability, and good governance.

RSCC-IAP will be established in Hawaii, with distributed education across the region to follow in the future.

A Regional SOF Coordination Center (or RSCC) for the Indo-Asia-Pacific region can be the hub of a cooperative approach by:

  • Providing education for professionals, by professionals
  • The sharing of information for mutual benefit
  • Collaborating for positive effect


IF we do nothing else, we must build enduring multilateral relationships that thicken a friendly regional network that leads to effective partnerships against transnational threats.

We will do this effeciently and effectively by adopting successful models of engagement, leveraging existing activities, seeking partnerships, and avoiding duplication of others' efforts.