Stages of Deployment Cycle (DCS)

 Deployment Cycle Support (DCS) is a comprehensive process that ensures Soldiers, DA Civilians and their families are better prepared and sustained throughout the deployment cycle. It provides a means to identify Soldiers, DA Civilians and families who may need assistance with the challenges inherent to extended deployments. Personal reconstitution for Soldiers is both commanders' and sergeants' business, and the Army provides them with the right tools and training to execute the mission. The goal of the DCS process is to facilitate Soldier, DA Civilian and family well-being throughout the deployment cycle. All Soldiers deployed away from home station for 90 days or more will complete the DCS process. Services for DA Civilians and families are integrated in every stage of the process, and they are highly encouraged to take advantage of the resources provided.

Six Stages of the Deployment Cycle - Training, Predeployment, Deployment, Integration, Redeployment, Reintegration.






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