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Reflections on the 2024 Symposium - Looking forward

What a great week we shared together. Our team is laser focused (if you couldn't tell) on your experience and ensuring we elevate that experience to meet the community needs. With that sentiment please share:

What are key moments that mattered most to you?

What are some things you feel we should continue doing?

What might be things we could shelve and leave there?


All your feedback is much appreciated and taken in with care and diligence.



  • Cus, for me there were 2 key take-aways. 1) I feel better prepared to navigate our ongoing reorganization with a deeper understanding of competency modeling, and 2) an incredible networking experience. I appreciate that you brought together not only academic-types, but CFMs, policy folks, and others related to our discipline. The structure and the facilitation of the symposium led to significant discovery. I learned about several initiatives that greatly impact my institution's efforts that I would not have known about otherwise. I was also able to inform others on our initiatives that have similar impact to their endeavors. For years we have been siloed, and breaking that up will reap untold reward for USAF Force Development. Thank you and your team--phenomenal event.