On behalf of the 63d Readiness Division, Good morning my dear brothers and sisters,

Our word for the day actually begins with 3 words, “Stop, Look, and Listen…”

There is a saying that “the mind is a dangerous place to go,” and indeed I am not the exception. My mind is at times a runaway train, it moves faster than I do. Not always, but sometimes, and when it does, it can create problems for me and for others.

I have one of those minds that process information very quickly, which allows me to make decisions and act according to the information I have, which can save time and money. Time and money we never have enough of, and I normally multi-task quite well. This is a valuable asset to an organization when used appropriately. Especially when you are in a time crunch, have multiple deadlines, and many moving pieces.

While this strategy works at times, it is not foolproof (Foolproof means infallible, or so simple or well-made that nothing can go wrong). Now having the brilliant minds that you do, I am sure you have already come up with all the potential problems that come with making quick decisions.   While it works let’s say 90% of the time, what about the other 10% of the time when it doesn’t…or 80/20, or 70/30? You get the drift.

The thing is, texting is information, not communication. Perhaps the information exchange comes when someone stands in our door or gives us a quick call for information or an email request. It may still may not fully communicate what we/they need to know. And the thing is many of us do it all day, every day, have quick interactions, exchanging information, and sometimes we are not fully communicating. Somehow we end up missing each other in the process.

Here’s the antidote, let us for a brief moment just “Stop, Look, and Listen…” because at the end of the day, this is more than throwing spaghetti at the wall, and seeing what sticks. This is a human being who is on the receiving end of this information exchange. And how we communicate (or don’t) may be more important than the information that we are passing along or trying to find out.

One of the most important and critical skills that we need to succeed is the ability to listen. Not just for the sake of the mission, but to be successful in our relationships, whether that is our spouse, a friend, our children, or a colleague, we have to slow down, “Stop, Look, and Listen…”

And I will add a fourth critical word, Breathe. “Stop, Look, and Listen, and just Breathe…” Especially if you have a mind like mine, sometimes we need to slow it all down, and just breathe, so we can be fully present.

And breathing (conscious breathing, not the breathing we do all day that we are unaware of) is a critical part of being fully alive.

If I stop, I stop my mind from going too fast ahead. If I look, I might actually see you, and if I Listen, I might have a better understanding. And if I breathe, I have a better chance of controlling my body and my mind to be fully present with you.

Two scriptures came to mind for me, and I apply these to myself, the first comes from Proverbs 18:13, “If one gives answer before hearing, it is folly and shame.” I can attest it does have unintended consequences when I do move too quickly, to myself and to others. I am working on it, so I don’t miss out on seeing my brethren.

The second is, “Be still before the Lord, and wait patiently for Him” (Psalm 37:7). The most critical relationship I have requires that I am fully present, is in my relationship with God.

And it is absolutely a spiritual discipline to slow it all down to hear His voice speaking to me in the quietness of my own soul, mind, and heart, when the world around me and my own internal works are quite loud.

And more than being a chaplain, being a human, I really work hard to hear (comprehend) and listen (willing to follow and obey) to God.   For your sake and mine!

So today I end with these 4 words, let us “Stop, Look, and Listen, and just Breathe…” Let’s slow it all down, so we don’t miss out, on God, and miss out on one other.

Amen? Amen.

Let us pray, (in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit)

Dear God, help us draw near to You. Help us to Stop, Look, and Listen, and just Breathe, so we can hear You, and hear one another. Help us to quiet the voices of the world and our own voice so that we may enter into the thin silence, to hear Your gentle whisper and be filled with Your peace in our hearts today and every day. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.

CH (MAJ) Morsan McSweeney


Here is the direct email and phone number for anyone requesting support from the 63d RD Chaplain office,

