Additional Training Materials (not PFC approved)
Additional Training Materials Resource Overview
Navy Additional Training Materials 

Command Financial Specialist: View up-to-date Command Financial Specialist certification course training materials here — and use them in your current CFS classes now.

  • Instructor Guide
  • PowerPoints
  • Student Manual and Appendices
  • eFPW
Million Dollar Sailor  This two-day course is a great first step to help your Sailors and their families on their financial journey. It is available in person or on JKO. Access in-person resources on the LRL or connect through JKO
Standardized Financial Curriculum  These PPT slides, Instructor Guides and Handouts provide everything you need to deliver a deeper dive on specific financial topics mentioned in the Touchpoints.
PFM Desk and How-To Guides  These resources can assist with basic PFM and CFS tasks. The Desk Guide provides critical job and program information. View the How-to Guide to get step-by-step guidance on delivering financial services.
Coast Guard  Under construction