Hello Fellow GIS Teammates!,

We have some exciting news to share coming later this month! The [AWESOME!] APAN GIS Team out in Hawaii have been hard at work. The old Community Maps API will be getting an overhaul and we will be saying goodbye to Google Maps and hello to ArcGIS JavaScript API. This will bring some new changes that will allow those who may not be as GIS-savvy, a taste of how to use ArcGIS through similar button-ology. This move will align our Community Maps with our ArcGIS Enterprise.


Changes will not be too far off from what the current capability provides as we kept all of the same functions in place:

  • geotags from blogs, wikis, forums and media galleries
  • plotting of points, lines and polygons
  • uploading of files such as GeoJSON, KML/KMZ
  • links to URL sources of data; GeoRSS, Map Services (ArcGIS)

An idea of how it will look can be seen in the screenshots posted here.

Below are a few screenshots of what this will look like once we deploy this new solution (click each one to see a larger view):