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Requirements Management using MagicDraw

I am investigating MBSE to support system requirements. We have multiple baselines and I am currently investigating how or if it’s possible  to manage them within magicdraw. Just wondering anyone has attempted this and if it was successful how was it implemented.

Parents Reply
  • Robin
    I second Mike's point of keeping them in a separate model if possible. Especially if you have a large number of them.

    Also, NAVAIR is working with NAVWAR to develop a Requirements Profile for managing requirements in Magic Draw. It's still in development but they've made a ton of process over the last few months. I'd recommend reaching out to Barbara Lawson at for more info. Not only is she developing this profile she's also a requirements expert and former DOORS instructor.
  • While not germane to the original question of requirements variants, it may be of interest to some that we are using Jama as our requirements manager, bringing the set of Jama requirements into a separate Cameo model as Mike suggests. The requirements model is then a project usage for traceability of requirements within the operational, functional, and system Cameo models.

    We have been using Syndeia now for a couple of years for that linkage, but Syndeia continues to lag behind its feature promises. Specifically, it is not enabling full exchange with Cameo of the relationships kept within Jama. As a result, we're investigating TaskTop as a more mature requirements integration tool between Jama and Cameo.