DID for MBSE products

Does anyone have a DID or DIDs addressing MBSE products from a contract? Are you using a work around to accomplish a similar outcome? Any information is appreciated.

  • A DID is a Data Item Description and is used on a contract to accomplish a data exchange from the contractor to the government
  • I would suggest that you ask for the native model; that way, you can run whatever queries you want.
    I'd also suggest you require the models pass an agreed-upon set of validation rules before you accept them (the SAIC DE Profile, released free of charge to the community, should be on the IME).
  • In reply to Michael Vinarcik:

    Thank you, what does IME stand for?
  • In reply to Jim Roche:

    Integrated Modeling Environment
  • In reply to Jim Roche:

    In my opinion, asking for some other DID would be redundant, I mean, for example, DI-IPSC-81431A is the DID for a System/Subsystem Specification. It contains all the information that should be included in a SSS, that SSS could be produced from the model if the model is built well. A model is just a systems engineering facilitator. It should be able to be the source for any DIDs already usually called out.
  • Pardon my confusion with this question, but perhaps you are under the impression that ALL DIDs specify the realization of the Data Item Description specification as a "Traditional Document". Many DIDs allow the described Data Item to be realized in an alternate form, including as a "Model" using the SysML. Though this form may not be specified in the DID (most DIDs pre-date the standardization of SysML).

    As an example the original MIL-STD 498 DID (DI-IPSC-81431) for a SSS states "and may reside in a computer-aided software engineering (CASE) or other automated tool rather than in the form of a traditional document."

    In short, most DIDs are merely structural requirements for the data composing them, without regard to its realized form. That said, the Acquiring Organization may specify CDRLs as "Traditional Documents". In this case the decision needs to be made if constructing a "View", which is an artifact producible from the content of the model, conforming to ALL required CDRL DIDs, is cost effective for the project or should the DIDs just be produced mandraulicallly. The former is the more probable solution in many DoD contracts.

    Hopefully you find these thoughts helpful.