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Cameo Systems Modeler, SysML, DoDAF

I am curious about other's thoughts about using CSM for a MBSE acquisition program. Those who have considerable experience with building, reviewing, or submitting DoDAF products for reviews know that it's common to hear it called shelf-ware. The products were/are at times decent (some products better than others) for outsiders to review and explain the mission-context of a system. However, engineers in the program office find very little relevance for DoDAF products because all of their interest is basically inside the system that the DoDAF products generally treat as a black box or a rather translucent box (this is per DoDAF guidance). As you know, because of the focus on MBSE, programs are now trying to bring together those engineers and the DoDAF modelers to work within a single model or to integrate multiple models into a single modeling environment. 

How have you approached building DoDAF (UPDM) products and SysML products for engineers in a single CSM model? Have you simply decided to build all products using SysML or all products using UPDM? Have you created multiple models inside one CSM project? Have you created custom model libraries and profiles in a single SysML model to handle the DoDAF style diagrams?

  • Our program started by characterizing a mature, fielded system in a SysML system model (Cameo), emphasizing structural features in the beginning to support a procurement solicitation. Later, when the sponsor wanted DoDAF artifacts, we incorporated the system model in the System view of a UPDM model, bringing it in as a used project and using its elements when generating system-level DoDAF diagrams that trace to the Capability and Operational views.

    It's probably not how we would have structured it if DoDAF had been the driver from the beginning, but it has worked for us. The engineers continue to use the SysML model, and the UPDM model exports updated DoDAF artifacts when needed.
  • Our program started by characterizing a mature, fielded system in a SysML system model (Cameo), emphasizing structural features in the beginning to support a procurement solicitation. Later, when the sponsor wanted DoDAF artifacts, we incorporated the system model in the System view of a UPDM model, bringing it in as a used project and using its elements when generating system-level DoDAF diagrams that trace to the Capability and Operational views.

    It's probably not how we would have structured it if DoDAF had been the driver from the beginning, but it has worked for us. The engineers continue to use the SysML model, and the UPDM model exports updated DoDAF artifacts when needed.
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