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Please share any best practices for associating multiple verification methods to a SysML requirement.
My current train of thought is to associate verification requirements, each stereotyped as <<extendedRequirement>>, with a VerifiedBy relationship from the requirement being verified. The Verification Method (e.g. Test, Inspection, Demonstration, Analysis) would be set in the <<extendedRequirement>> elements that verify the system requirement.
Alternatively, I could build a custom extension to the SysML profile for a "verification requirement", tagged with a verification method (e.g. Test, Inspection, Demonstration, Analysis), which would be associated to the requirement being verified using the VerifiedBy relationship. Although I'd rather not build any custom extensions.
Ms. Radocaj, I am external to NAVAIR. Last year I constructed a model documenting the UTP V2.1 profile. The project was not subjected to review as the UTP v2 was deemed "Too Complex" by the I&T organization. The model should be subjected to review and correct non-conformances to the OMG UTP v2.1 profile specification. If this would be helpful to NAVAIR, please feel free to employ the profile model.
{DRAFT} UML Testing Profile v2.1 May 2020