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Magic Draw / Cameo Bugs

Use this thread to compile Magic Draw / Cameo bugs, along with system/version information, work arounds, and fixes.


1. Character Spacing on Comments/Notes when Zoom is not at 100% is off.  (Windows 7, Cameo Systems Modeler, SP1)

2. Comment Anchors to Frames pass through the comment obscuring visibility. (Windows 7, Cameo Systems Modeler, SP1)

3. Ctrl/Shift consistency between selecting Elements in diagram and containment tree. (Windows 7, Cameo Systems Modeler, SP1)


If anyone has encountered the same bugs, please list the number and your version/configuration.


I intend to contact No Magic at some point in the future.

  • So you need to enable UPDM L1 (aka SysML) compliance after the fact in CSM. However the Joint Conditions Library that NoMagic provides with the UPDM2 plugin is still only L0, it's a DataType without the ValueType stereotype applied in addition to the Condition stereotype.

    Link to how to turn on SysML Compliance Mode:

  • So you need to enable UPDM L1 (aka SysML) compliance after the fact in CSM. However the Joint Conditions Library that NoMagic provides with the UPDM2 plugin is still only L0, it's a DataType without the ValueType stereotype applied in addition to the Condition stereotype.

    Link to how to turn on SysML Compliance Mode:

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