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Compatibility with outside tools

I am trying to understand compatibility between MBSE and other tools that have been developed.  I have heard that SysML is very flexible and is able to integrate smoothly with many other tools.  Is somebody testing this theory?  There is a tool that I would like to test.

  • Which tool would you like to test? Each MBSE application handles integration with outside tools differently per tool and use case. NAVAIR has people assigned in the following integration areas: PLM systems, Knowledge management, and MDAO (multi-disciplinary analysis and optimization), we still need someone to champion LVC continuum integration. If I know your use case, I can refer you to the right person in the right integration area.
  • Which tool would you like to test? Each MBSE application handles integration with outside tools differently per tool and use case. NAVAIR has people assigned in the following integration areas: PLM systems, Knowledge management, and MDAO (multi-disciplinary analysis and optimization), we still need someone to champion LVC continuum integration. If I know your use case, I can refer you to the right person in the right integration area.