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Data Centric Pub-Sub Interface Pattern

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Project Overview and Scope
The exchange of energy, material and information is essential to all systems and SysML provides a number of elements supporting the expression of these concepts. This project provides guidance on realizing data exchanges of a publish/subscribe nature. There are a variety of such protocols each having their own semantics. The included pattern is easily adapted to most such situations.

In order to illustrate the pattern's versatility, the included SysML profile and example demonstrates a Data Distribution Service (DDS) implementation.

It is envisioned that readers can see how the profile and associated design pattern (see picture below) can be extended or otherwise modified to meet similar needs.

This project was developed under the auspices of the U.S. Naval Aviation (NAVAIR) System Engineering Transformation (SET) initiative. It is provided to the SysML community as part of an ongoing effort to promote model collaboration and sharing in order to improve model quality and shorten model development time.

The project is provided as-is and no formal support services are available. However, the attribution page of the project includes contact information. We encourage users to email us with questions and we will do the best we can to answer them.

Few models (any?) are perfect, and this is no exception. We are very open to suggestions and criticisms for improvement.

We are interested in developing a library of design patterns that are applicable across a wide variety of domains. Toward that end, we would appreciate your thoughts on possible design patterns to implement.

The SET Team.