What is the difference between an EFMP Case Liaison, EFMP Point of Contact, and an EFMP Coordinator?

EFMP Case Liaison (EFMP CL)- An EFMP CL is a Fleet and Family Support Center staff member assigned to each sponsor/family who is enrolled in the EFMP. EFMP CL provides information and referral to resources within the San Diego area, offers assistance in developing a Family Service Plan, connects families with networking and social opportunities within the area. 


EFMP Command Point of Contact (EFMP POC)- A Command POC is an active duty Service Member who serves in support of the EFMP at each command. EFMP POCs monitor EFM enrollment status and expiration dates for their command, collaborates with EFMP CLs, assists with the enrollment (update/disenrollment/initial) processes. 


MTF Coordinator- A MTF Coordinator is directly responsible for the enrollment and re-enrollment processes. MTF Coordinators reviews and verifies information submitted in the application for accuracy and uploads forms to the NFAAS system for processing.