South: Humanitarians resumed their activities
During the reporting period, Kandahar, Hilmand and Uruzgan provinces witnessed a significant escalation in conflict. On 13 August, the Taliban took control of Kandahar, Uruzgan, Hilmand and Zabul provinces. Humanitarian partners remained present in all provinces in the south, but humanitarian activities were temporarily suspended. Over the last weeks more than 5,000 families (about 35,000 people) were temporarily displaced by the conflict in Kandahar city, districts and other neighbouring provinces. According to preliminary reports, most people are now returning to their places of origin. After weeks of intermittent interruption, telecommunication networks in Kandahar city were restored. Shops and markets are reportedly reopening and some private schools have reopened, but formal schools are still closed due to summer holidays.
On 15 August, humanitarians resumed activities in the region and joint interagency assessments were completed for 1,402 internally displaced persons (IDPs) who will be provided with food, relief items, water, sanitation, hygiene and hygiene education, physiotherapy services and cash aid in the coming days.
North-east: 45,500 reportedly displaced by conflict
Security was tense during the reporting period in the leadup to the Taliban taking control of cities in the majority of provinces in the north-east. According to local officials, 30 people were reportedly killed and 100 were injured in Kunduz city during the conflict. According to initial reports, more than 6,500 families (approximately 45,500 people) were displaced from Kunduz, Baglan, Takhar and Badakhshan provinces to Kabul city. The distribution of humanitarian assistance and needs assessment were suspended due to active conflict and military operation in all provinces in the north-east and will resume as soon as the security situation permits. During the reporting period, 700 IDPs received hygiene supplies from a humanitarian partner in Kunduz city.
East: 19,383 people affected by conflict and floods received aid
On 17 August, the Taliban took control of Jalalabad city and most provinces across the east. Several shops and markets reopened, but with a significant increase in the price of food and basic commodities. 546 people who were affected by severe flooding on 29 July were identified to receive humanitarian assistance in Maherdish village in Kamdesh district, Nuristan province.
Out of 19,222 people assessed this week, 8,855 people were recommended to receive immediate humanitarian assistance. Interagency teams continued assessments in Nangarhar, Laghman and Kunar provinces. A total of 19,383 people received humanitarian assistance comprising 16,359 new IDPs and 3,024 people affected by floods. A total of 514 returnees, IDPs, and people from host communities were reached with emergency outpatient health services. This week, several mobile health teams provided nutrition support to people affected by conflict and natural disasters in Nuristan and Kunar provinces.
West: 4,620 IDPs in need of aid, severe drought reported
During the reporting period, conflict intensified in the west and Farah, Ghor and Hirat cities came under the control of the Taliban. According to FAO, Hirat, Badghis and Ghor provinces are under extreme drought conditions and Farah is under severe drought conditions. A severe reduction of wheat production is expected in drought affected areas. Across the country, humanitarian needs are expected to deteriorate further in the second half of year due to drought. The majority of the population area already acutely food insecure and 12.2 million people will be further impacted by this drought.
In May 2021, the precipitation level in Hirat was 40.8 mm which is significantly below the normal range. In Qadis district in Badghis province, a shortage of drinking water has been reported. Despite water, sanitation and hygiene response from the cluster, the issue has yet to be resolved.
During the reporting period, 606 families (approximately 4,620 people) were assessed by joint needs assessment teams in the west. People who were displaced from Badghis province to Hirat city due to recent conflict will receive basic aid packages in the coming days.
Centre: 11,242 IDPs identified to receive humanitarian assistance
On 15 August, the Taliban took control of Kabul city and most of the central parts of the country. On 16 August, violence at Kabul airport reportedly resulted in civilian casualties. Since 1 July, there has been an influx of people fleeing to Kabul and other large cities, seeking safety from conflict and other threats. To date, 17,500 newly internally displaced people have been identified in the past month. Most of the more recent displaced people arrived from Ghazni and Logar provinces. Some 13,500 of these people have received multi-sector response in the form of food, cash, health, household items, and water and sanitation support.
A total of 48,559 IDPs received humanitarian assistance in Bamyan, Daykundi and Kabul provinces, while 11,242 IDPs were identified to receive assistances in Kabul, Kapisa, Paktya, Khost and Bamyan provinces. Humanitarian partners deployed 15 interagency assessment teams to Kabul to verify internally displaced people and assess their humanitarian needs. Immediate needs continue to be shelter, household items, food, sanitation, hygiene kits and drinking water. Needs assessments were temporarily suspended in Kabul but are expected to restart in the coming days.
North: 5,068 people displaced by conflict are in need of humanitarian aid
The security situation was volatile and unpredictable across all the provinces in the north. On 14 August, the Taliban took control of Mazar-e-Sharif city in Balkh province and Maymana city of Faryab province following a change in control in Sar-e-Pul, Jawzjan and Samangan provinces last week. IDPs who were settled in Faryab, Balkh and Samangan provinces in the past few weeks are at risk of being displaced for a second time in the coming days. Humanitarian organizations are monitoring the situation closely.
During the reporting period, 5,068 people were identified as being displaced by conflict and in need of humanitarian aid. In addition, 434 people who were affected by conflict received humanitarian assistance across the north.