When: 4 June, 2020 at 1500CEST/0900EST
Where: MS Teams Live Events, use this link to connect
Connection Instructions: Please use the link above and connect either through the MS Teams application on phone or computer, or connect through your browser by following the prompts.
Format: The panelist will present for 30 minutes followed by 30 minutes of Q&A
Agenda - Panelist will present for 30 minutes followed by 30 minutes of Q&A
1500-1530CEST/0900-0930EST - Russia's Strategy Towards the War in Eastern Ukraine?
Russia’s objective is to impose limits on the sovereignty of Ukraine, which it regards as the centre of what it claims as its sphere of influence. It seeks to do this by forcing its interpretation of the February 2015 Minsk Agreement on the authorities in Kyiv, requiring them to devolve power to Russia’s puppet regimes in East Ukraine, thus fundamentally weakening the central Ukrainian state and preventing Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic integration. Russia’s use of military force in the East is designed (with other forms of pressure) to coerce the authorities in Kyiv into giving it what it wants – and to intimidate Western capitals into leaning on Ukraine to capitulate. The clash between Ukraine’s determination to defend its sovereignty and Russia’s great power ambitions looks set to continue for many more years.
1530-1600CEST/0930-1000EST - Question and Answer Session
Duncan Allan
Chatham House
Associate Fellow, Russia and Eurasia Programme
Expertise: Russian foreign and domestic policy, Ukraine
Duncan Allan is an associate fellow on the Russia and Eurasia Programme of the Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House). He spent more than 28 years in the Foreign Office’s Research Analysts cadre, working on the countries of what is now the former Soviet Union – primarily Russia (but also Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova). He covered a wide range of analytical portfolios – domestic politics, economics, energy, foreign policy and region-wide themes (e.g. governance trends, regional integration). He completed several full tours and spells of temporary duty at the British embassies in Moscow and Kyiv. He left the diplomatic service in November 2017 and set up an independent consultancy, Octant Research & Analysis Ltd, which offers assessments of political, economic and reputational risk in the post-Soviet space.
Q&A Answered by Duncan Allan
Post-Meeting Webinar Link
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