When: 1 July, 2020 at 1500CEST/0900EST
Where: MS Teams Live Events, click here to join
Connection Instructions: MS Teams Live Events does not have a registration page. Please use the link above to join the meeting. In addition, you can view in the browser or through a MS Teams application download.
Format: The panelist will present for 30 minutes followed by 30 minutes of Q&A
Agenda - Panelist will present for 30 minutes followed by 30 minutes of Q&A
1500-1530CEST/0900-0930EST - Putin's Dark Ecosystem: Graft, Gangsters, and Geopolitics
The briefing will assess how the Russian armed forces and the military industry are preparing for the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. It will look at potential consequences for defence planning, military strategy, and wider procurement trends. The briefing will also discuss recent trends in the military-industrial complex (OPK) in the context of the new state armament programme until 2027.
1530-1600CEST/0900-1000EST - Question and Answer Session
Mathieu Boulègue
Chatham House
Research Fellow, Russia and Eurasia Programme
Mathieu Boulègue is a research fellow with the Russia and Eurasia Programme at Chatham House. Before joining the institute, Mathieu was a partner at the risk management and strategic research consultancy AESMA, where he worked as director of Eurasian affairs. In his research, Mathieu focuses particularly on Eurasian security and defence issues as well as on Russia’s domestic and foreign policy. Having trained as a policy and security analyst in the field of post-Soviet affairs, Mathieu regularly publishes articles and papers on Eurasian security & foreign policy questions. He is also a frequent invited speaker at conferences and events around the world. He graduated from Sciences Po Toulouse in France and King’s College London (M.A. International Conflict Studies).
Post event Q&A will be here
Event Recording
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