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Connection Instructions: Using the link below, register for the event ahead of time. Webex will then send a message to you with a link 15 minutes before the event. When joining the event, especially for government attendees, click "Join by browser" which is under the "Join Now" button in blue. The blue button will open the desktop application, which isn't possible on the Government computers.
Details: RSI will be joined by Roy Allison, Anna Borshchevskaya, Hanna Notte, and Paul Stronski for a discussion on Russia and the Middle East.
Format: Each panelist will present for 5-7 minutes followed by guided discussion & 30 minutes of Q&A
1500-1540CET/1000-1040EDT: Panelist Remarks1540-1600CET/1040-1100EDT: Guided Discussion1600-1630CET/1100-1130EDT: Question & Answer Session