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Connection Instructions: Using the link below, register for the event ahead of time. Webex will then send a message to you with a link 15 minutes before the event. When joining the event, especially for government attendees, click "Join by browser" which is under the "Join Now" button in blue. The blue button will open the desktop application, which isn't possible on the Government computers.
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Oscar Jonsson will be joined by Steffan Truvé and Samuel Bendett to discuss his ongoing RSI sponsored research "Russia’s Revolution in Intelligence Affairs: From Natural Stupidity to Artificial Intelligence." Discussion will include analyzing how artificial intelligence is impacting intelligence affairs, how that is seen by Russian strategists, and what technologies and concepts are used.
Oscar JonssonFounder & CEO, Phronesis AnalysisResearcher, Swedish Defence University
Dr. Oscar Jonsson is founder and CEO for Phronesis Analysis and researcher at Swedish Defence University. He holds a PhD from the Department of War Studies at King’s College London. He has earlier been Director of the Center for the Governance of Change and Stockholm Free World Forum, as well as a visiting researcher at UC Berkeley and a subject-matter expert at the Swedish Armed Forces Headquarters where he worked with hybrid warfare, Russian strategy and long-term planning.Oscar has advised governments, armed forces’ leadership and financial institutions on strategic affairs and geopolitical risk, and featured in international print and broadcast media. Oscar is the author of The Russian Understanding of War (Georgetown University Press).
Steffan TruvéCo-founder & Chief Technology Officer, Recorded Future
Staffan Truvé is co-founder and CTO of Recorded Future. Previously he was CEO of the Swedish Institute of Computer Science and Interactive Institute. Staffan has co-founded more than a dozen high tech start-ups. He holds a PhD in computer science from Chalmers University of Technology and an MBA from Göteborg University. He has been a FulbrightScholar at MIT. His research interests include artificial intelligence and information visualization. Staffan is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.
Samuel BendettAdviser, CNA Russia Studies ProgramAdjunct Senior Fellow, Center for a New American Security
Samuel Bendett is an Adviser with CNA Strategy, Policy, Plans and Programs Center (SP3), where he is a member of the Russia Studies Program. He is also an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security. His work involves research on the Russian defense and technology developments, unmanned and autonomous military systems and Artificial Intelligence, as well as Russian military capabilities and decision-making during crises. He is a Member of CNA's Center for Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence, and an honorary "Mad Scientist" with the USARMY TRADOC's Mad Scientist Initiative. He is also a Russian military autonomy and AI SME for the DOD's Defense Systems Information Analysis Center.
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