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RSI will host Dr. Hanna Notte to discuss her current RSI research, "Russia's Engagement in the Global South Post Ukraine," and analyze Russia's areas of military-security influence, geographic reach, and prospects post-Ukraine war.
Dr. Hanna Notte is a Senior Research Associate at Vienna Center for Disarmament and Nonproliferation. Before that, she was a Senior Political Officer with The Shaikh Group, an NGO focused on informal diplomacy in the Middle East. She completed her doctorate at Oxford University in 2018 on Russian foreign policy in the Middle East. Hanna was a visiting researcher in 2015–16 with the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Carnegie Moscow Center in Moscow, Russia. Her research focuses on Russia-West relations, Russian foreign policy in the Middle East, Russian military innovation, challenges to the Chemical Weapons Convention, and arms control in the Middle East. Her articles have appeared in Foreign Policy, The Nonproliferation Review, War on the Rocks, and The Washington Post. Dr. Notte is based in Berlin/Vienna.