What:  U.S. Army Mad Scientist Virtual Event on Climate Change - Threats, Resilience, and Adaptation

When:  1430-1600 EDT on Tuesday, 13 April 2021.

Who:  This event’s panelists include:

  • Dr. Elizabeth Chalecki, Associate Professor of International Relations, University of Nebraska - Omaha, and Wilson Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
  • Dr. Anne Marie Baylouny, Associate Professor of National Security Affairs, Naval Postgraduate School
  • Damarys Acevedo-Mackey, Environmental Engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • Devabhaktuni “Sri” Srikrishna, Founder, PatientKnowhow.com

(More to follow as we lock in additional panelists)

Where:  Register to participate in this virtual event (via a non-DoD network) at:


Why:  The U.S. Army’s Mad Scientist Initiative has been running a series of virtual events exploring competition and conflict in the future.  For the next event in this series, we are hosting a group of experts from across academia and the Government to explore the multifarious impacts of climate change on policy, threats, resilience, mitigation, and adaptations. This event will help discern and expound on the U.S. Army's role in combating climate change and how it will conduct operations while being challenged by climate change impacts in the Operational Environment.

This event will be preceded by a Mad Scientist Laboratory blog post compiling the insights that we’ve learned to date regarding Climate Change (to be published on 8 Apr 21), and followed by a Mad Scientist “The Convergence” podcast with Mr. Richard G. Kidd IV, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Environment and Energy Resilience at United States Department of Defense, addressing the resiliency challenges and opportunities facing the Department of Defense, and the U.S. Army in particular.