**June 15 Deadline**


Mad Scientist Call for Ideas: Learning 2050!


Help us with what the future of learning looks like so we maintain our advantage in Soldier Overmatch.


This Call for Ideas is open to everyone, no DoD or Military affiliation required.



The following prompts aim to inspire your ideas and should not limit your creativity:


Prompt 1: How will emerging technologies improve learning or augment intelligence in professional military education, at home station, and on the future battlefield?


Prompt 2: How could the Army accelerate learning to improve Soldier and unit agility in rapidly changing operational environments?


Prompt 3: What new skills will Soldiers and Leaders require to be effective in 2050?



- Publication in a military or academic journal

- Invited to speak at a Mad Scientist Conference

- Mad Scientist SWAG



- Submissions must be unclassified, unpublished, and cleared by your public

affairs office and operations security managers (USG & as applicable).


- Research papers: max 3500 words/12 point font.


- Any embedded mages bust be .jpeg and in-line with the text. Further

formatting guidelines can be found on our APAN site.



-   Virtual Reality (VR)

-   Augmented Reality (AR)

-   Accelerated Learning

-   2050 Skills Needed    

-   Learning Technologies

-   Synthetic Training Environments

-   Gamification

-   Virtual Learning Environments            

-   Autonomous Learning



Send to: usarmy.jble.tradoc.mbx.army-mad-scientist@mail.mil