Mad Scientist Disruption and the Future Operational Environment Conference Agenda

The Mad Scientist Initiative is pleased to announce that Headquarters, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) is co-sponsoring the Mad Scientist Disruption and the Future Operational Environment Conference with the Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin on 24-25 April 2019 in Austin, Texas.  Please find attached here our draft agenda...

... and stay abreast of the latest information regarding this conference by subscribing to the Mad Scientist Laboratory blog site at: -- go to the subscribe function found on the right hand side of the screen (or scroll down to the bottom of the screen if viewing the site on your PED), below the "COLLABORATE" text box, and enter your email address (preferably a non-DoD email to preclude issues with associated html links) in the "SUBSCRIBE" text box, then select the black "Subscribe" button. When you receive the subsequent subscription confirmation email in your inbox, select the "Confirm Follow" blue button in the email -- in doing so, you'll stay connected with all things Mad Scientist!

  • This conference will be live streamed -- please stay tuned for more information on how to participate remotely on-line...

    Attendance in person at the conference in Austin, Texas, is limited, and as such, is by invitation only.  

    If you wish to be added to our wait-list for attendance, please forward your name, title, the organization you are representing, and your email address to Mad Scientist at:  Thank you!    

  • Palo.Alto

    Yes! How do we register?

  • Attendance in person at the conference in Austin, Texas, is limited, and as such, is by invitation only.  If you wish to be added to our wait-list for attendance, please forward your name, title, the organization you are representing, and your email address to Mad Scientist at:  Thank you!    

  • If I say "Hey hey hey! Modern Invisibility in the Army House!", would that be a great intro for a "Mad Scientist Disruption and the Future Operational Environment Conference"? Just curious.

  • Palo.Alto

    given the limited attendance shown in the video, perhaps allowing people to express interest and selected folks could have been extended an invitation would have been an alternate approach