Please find the latest Mad Scientist publication by Elizabeth Royall on Small Wars Journal (SWJ), titled: "Shifting Focus from U.S. Technological Dominance to U.S.-Allied Dominance."

SWJ link to paper:

Ms. Elizabeth Royall is a program manager at Decisive Analytics Corporation International Division (DAI), producing in depth research, analysis, and strategies on international armaments cooperation in the Asia-Pacific. In past positions, Ms. Royall worked at AT&L Manufacturing and Industrial Base Policy, Georgetown University’s Center for Security Studies, ISAF Joint Command in Kabul, and Georgetown’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, & World Affairs. Ms. Royall is the author of three journal publications on the Islamic world and holds a BA in international studies and journalism from American University and a MA in international security from Georgetown University.

Ms. Royall discusses how the DoD should shift from predominant reliance on high-technology empowered U.S. military dominance towards prioritization of U.S.-Allied dominance, with a mix of high and low technology solutions to provide a united, capable deterrent threat among U.S. allies and partners against any potential adversary. Amid diversified, mutating threats and a constrained defense budget, the United States must prioritize allied over sole dominance, allies over partners, and technologies and mechanisms that support allied dominance over those that solely benefit the United States.