Please join the TRADOC G2 for an online discussion of the Human Dimension in 2025 and Beyond with Andrew Herr, August 27th at 11:00 EST. Mr. Herr will present for 30-45 minutes, followed by a Q&A.Link: on through APAN at: Herr is the CEO of Mind Plus Matter, a human performance consulting firm, and Helicase, a technology consulting firm. He works with a range of commercial and government clients to enhance mental and physical performance and to develop research and development strategies. Mr. Herr will be discussing social and cognitive aspects of the Human Dimension in 2025 and Beyond. In 2012, Wired magazine highlighted some of Herr's work in a piece titled "This Scientist Wants Tomorrow's Troops to Be Mutant-Powered." Link: This talk is part of TRADOC's Mad Scientist initiative. Mad Scientist comprises a series of events to help the Army think about the evolution of the Operational Environment (OE), the effects of all aspects of technology on the future of Armed Conflict, continuously learn, adapt, and innovate, and allow for broader engagement in problem solving. The current series is focused on the Human Dimension 2025 and Beyond.