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The Rise of the Digital Native:  How the Next Generation of Analysts and Technology Changing the Intelligence Landscape

This report was a group research project for Team Future Nerds' Master of Strategic Studies degree. This research product occurred for approximately four months, from January 2023 through April 2023, and answered the following questions posed by LTG Laura A. Potter, Deputy Chief of Staff G2, Headquarters, Department of the Army:

How do 18-22-year-old intelligence analysts likely consume, synthesize, and communicate information today?

How is information consumption likely to evolve in ways that will change end-user information consumption habits between now and 2040?

Team Future Nerds constituted a diverse and well-rounded group of military professionals in the United States Army:  COL Derek Baird (Field Artillery), COL Nora Flott (Military Intelligence), LTC(P) Tyler Standish (Military Intelligence), LTC(P) Brandon VanOrden (Military Intelligence), and LTC James Esquivel (Civil Affairs).
