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Dr. Guy David Hatchard and Dr. Kenneth Cavanaugh [Forward is by Dr. David Leffler]

This attached PDF on the topic of Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) by Guy David Hatchard Ph.D. and Kenneth Cavanaugh Ph.D. was originally published in Canadian Centres for Teaching Peace. It is no longer available there because this organization is now defunct. Vigilance Security Magazine graciously agreed to reprint it in hopes that military-related leaders worldwide will read it, share it, and be inspired to take steps to immediately deploy IDT in their militaries.

Currently tensions between Russia and the US are at an all-time high, and are simultaneously rising between the US and other countries such as North Korea, Iran and China. This high level of international tension could rapidly escalate into global catastrophe for all sides. When properly applied IDT could quickly reduce these high tensions for all countries involved.

IDT has the potential to end all war and create lasting world peace - something we all so desperately need during these dangerous times of crises. This scientific research paper below adds further support that IDT can also prevent social problems such as crime, war, terrorism and conflict.

Here is the refence for the paper:

UNITED KINGDOMDr. Guy David Hatchard and Dr. Kenneth Cavanaugh [Forward is by Dr. David Leffler], (23 February 2024). The Peace and Well Being of Nations: An Analysis of Improved Quality of Life and Enhanced Economic Performance Through the Maharishi Effect in New Zealand, Norway, USA, Cambodia, and Mozambique. A Longitudinal, Cross-Country, Panel-Regression Analysis of National Competitive AdvantageVigilance Security Magazine.
