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Future Dynamics of Warfare: Everyone is a Player, Everything is a Target

The United States Army War College (USAWC) Team Sullivan’s Travels’ Future Dynamics of Warfare: Everyone is a Player, Everything is a Target Final Report documents the findings from their group Strategic Research Requirement that occurred over the academic year (from October 2023 to April 2024).

Team Sullivan’s Travels consisted of LTC Joseph “Joe” Bell (USA, Aviation), COL John Cooper (USA, Human Resources), LTC Kristine “Kris” Hinds (USAR, Logistics), LtCol Erik Keim (USMC, Communications), and LTC Michael “Neal” Miller (USAR, Logistics), with Dr. Kathleen Moore as their USAWC Faculty Advisor.

Multiple methodologies were used to determine key findings, including a review of scholarly publications, open-source reporting, and nominal group technique to answer the following strategic question posed by Ian Sullivan, Deputy Chief of Staff Intelligence, TRADOC G-2:

How will innovations from contemporary conflicts likely shape the future dynamics of warfare, and what does it mean for Large Scale Combat Operations (LSCO) and pacing threats by 2035?