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Social Media Monitoring: Networked Conversations and Communities by Dr Tim Chabuk and Dr. Rick Grannis

Dr. Tim Chabuk and Dr. Rick Grannis will discuss ways to gain actionable intelligence from social media data, including the challenges that are involved and best practices for overcoming them. They will present these ideas by discussing real world results and case studies based on their experience using Perceptronics’ advanced monitoring platform, Social Impact Pro in commercial, academic, and military domains.

 Dr. Tim Chabuk is Director of Intelligence Information Systems at Perceptronics Solutions, Inc. For the past 6 years Tim has developed novel methods for social media monitoring and has applied them to real world problems in commercial and military domains. Dr. Grannis is a Research Professor in the Univresity of California Irvine’s Sociology Department and an expert in applying social network theory, graph theoretic models, complexity theory, and other mathematical models in both military and civilian applications. Dr. Grannis was previously associated with the Cornell Center for Applied Math, and has also served as Associate Scientist at the RAND Corporation. He now serves as the Social Networks and Mathematical Methods Editorial Board Member for both the American Journal of Sociology and Contemporary Sociology.