This issue of Red Diamond opens with a guide on opposing force (OPFOR) use of smuggling—an activity
inextricably linked to basic economic precepts that have transcended time. This article identifies and discusses
four foundational principles of smuggling. It also provides a “how to” guide for such activities and
discusses their potential impact on Army operations. Mission Command Training Program (MCTP) Warfighter
(WFX) 16-5 was a distributed, simulation-supported, corps-level, command-post warfighter exercise
conducted in June 2016. Training was focused on developing core warfighting competencies based on the
unit’s mission essential task list, and the World Class Opposing Force (WCOPFOR) provided a near-peer
competitor to stress training objectives. An article describes the scenario design, training units, unique
features of the WFX, and WCOPFOR execution of this DATE-based exercise.