OEE Red Diamond OCT15

This issue of Red Diamond begins with an article that studies two incidents between North and South Korea occurring August 2015 and November 2010 to determine if any similarities can be found between the two events. The article will also probe the possible reasons behind both attacks and demonstrate that both events come directly out of the normal North Korean playbook— create an incident, deny responsibility, make threats to resume war, and then accept a compromise that gives North Korea what it wanted in the first place— assistance, often in the form of food.
The tactical vignette series continues this month with the fifth installment. Focusing on reconnaissance and counterreconnaissance as economy of force actions, the screen mission incorporates both tasks as integral to providing early warning and a degree of protection to the force main body. Other tactical tasks anticipated in a screen include actions to delay in order to accomplish the intent of the mission and not become decisively engaged by the enemy. See page 13.
Beginning on page 22 is an article describing the violent criminal activities of drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) in Mexico. DTOs are becoming increasingly militarized, potentially a result of the integration of exmilitary defectors into their ranks. Their acquisition of military-grade weapons and equipment contributes to this capability. Implications on US forces, particularly US Army Military Police (MP) units, are that they that could potentially be used to provide security force assistance to Mexican security forces, and should factor battlefield survivability tasks into training exercises.
A forthcoming Threat Tactics Reports (TTR) on Pakistan delves into the multiple threat actors present in that operational environment (OE). The article on page 28 highlights the actors in a convenient chart, and touches on their motives and organization. This TTR is in progress and will likely be published by early 2016. Look for it on ATN.
ACE-TI analysts serve as members of accreditation teams for Combat Training Center (CTC) exercises. In August and September, a team observed a DATE-based rotation at the Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) at Fort Polk, LA. The analyst recounts his observations, noting that JRTC DATE Rotation 15-10 was an excellent example of how the OPFOR, even with inferior numbers and equipment, can still subject BLUFOR to a serious challenge.
Finally, this month’s WEG article focuses on the SpyLite/SkyLite. Originally concentrated in Israel, this unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has now proliferated to other OEs in Africa and Chile.