OEE Red Diamond Nov13

This issue of Red Diamond spotlights Army Training
Circular 7-100.3, Irregular Opposing Forces (OPFOR) that is
in final review at the Army Publishing Directorate (APD).
An understanding of tactics and techniques in a cyber
attack life cycle offers useful insights to addressing this
emerging element of hybrid threat (HT) capabilities for
training, as well as application in operational readiness.
Recent proliferation in and near Libya creates threats
such as a man-portable air defense system (MANPADS)
that can be replicated in training with threat actors
obtaining capabilities from state and nonstate actors.
The antitank grenade launcher (ATGL) RPG-29 used in
an urban ambush can be modified as a training incident
for home station training or a combat training center.
A hybrid threat that included Syrian militia units
conducted two massacres in Syria of civilian minority
enclaves. Motivations and tactics of such regional actors
demonstrate the complexity of persistent conflict.
Boat operations with drug trafficking organizations
(DTOs) in Central America demonstrate significant
threats in technical capabilities. This expanding DTO
threat continues to adapt and challenge counteraction
by regional states and agencies.
