OEE Red Diamond Dec13

This issue of TRISA Red Diamond spotlights a selection of articles authored within the TRADOC G2 Intelligence Support Activity (TRISA) with a focus on opposing forces (OPFOR) as a threat or hybrid threat for training readiness.
See p. 46 for the 2013 INDEX of Red Diamond articles. The articles of 2013 address issues that are applicable today and very likely to continue for the foreseeable future in various operational environments (OEs).
TRISA-CTID values collaboration to present rigorous and realistic threats in Army training, professional education, and leader development of our Soldiers, Army leaders, Department of Army Civilians (DACs), as well as our multinational and interagency whole-of-government partners. Current incidents, historical vignettes, and threats tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) complement the deliberate actions to prepare for and conduct successful institutional and operational missions in complex operational environments and conflict with dynamic and committed threats.