OEE Red Diamond MAR13

This issue of the TRISA Red Diamond spotlights several
aspects of Hybrid Threat (HT) and real-world vignettes
of the many diverse threats that range from small
criminal or insurgent organization actions such as an
assault and kidnapping, recent surface-to-surface (SS)
anti-ship cruise missile developments, and recurring
guerrilla unit operations in an insurgency. Other
vignettes include a suicide vehicle borne improvised
explosive device (VBIED) attack against a forward
operating location in an insurgency. Ongoing training
and doctrine literature in progress at TRISA-CTID
includes FM 5-02, Operational Environment. This Army
field manual to be published in 2013 will—
 Explain the operational environment (OE) concept
and provide guidance on the procedures for its
application in military operations, training, doctrine,
and leader development.

  Present the procedures for OE analysis and its
applications in exercise design and operations process.
The TRADOC G2 Worldwide Equipment Guide is in the
review process for an update by the end of 2013. Other
Threat training and doctrine developments include
Training Circular 7-100.3, Irregular Opposing Forces, to
be published in 2013. An article on tactical symbols for
irregular forces indicates a continuation of Threat
actions stated in Training Circular 7-100, Hybrid Threat.
TRISA and its Complex Operational Environment and
Threat Integration Directorate (CTID) describe the
varied current and future CONDITIONS that represent
challenges and opportunities for training readiness and
adaptive Army leadership.
