OEE Red Diamond MAY12

TRISA-CTID’s Operational Environment Assessment (OEA) Team is introducing a new category of product. In addition to full OEAs that are dozens of pages in length, the OEA team will generate Operational Environment (OE) Quick Guides. OE Quick Guides provide a very brief overview of the Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, Infrastructure, Physical Environment, and Time (PMESII-PT) variables of a given OE. Each of the PMESII-PT variables is covered in a brief, accessible format designed to quickly give the reader a comprehensive synopsis of the OE. The OE Quick Guides are based on TRISA’s Top 10 Potential Operational Environments. The first OE Quick Guide covers Yemen. Yemen is the number three OE on TRISA’S Top 10 list as a location likely to require future Army brigade-level operations. The OE Quick Guides give Soldiers, deploying units, scenario developers, trainers, and others a concise reference for an OE. While not as in depth as an
OEA, the Quick Guides deliver the essential facts of the PMESII-PT variables. OE Quick Guides covering Indonesia and Egypt will follow the Yemen OE Quick
