OEE Red Diamond JUN12

There are two types of OPFOR cyberwar activities: computer warfare (CW) and information attack (IA). Computer warfare consists of attacks that focus specifically on the computer systems, networks, and/or nodes of the target. This includes a wide variety of activities, such as—
Unauthorized access (hacking) of information systems for intelligence-collection purposes
Insertion of malicious software (viruses, worms, logic bombs, or Trojan horses)
Such attacks concentrate on the denial of service and/or disruption or manipulation of the integrity of the information infrastructure. The OPFOR may attempt to accomplish these activities through the use of agents or third-party individuals with direct access to enemy information systems. It can also continually access and attack systems at great distances via communications links such as the Internet.
IA focuses on the intentional disruption or distortion of information in a manner that supports accomplishment of the OPFOR mission. Unlike computer warfare attacks that target the information systems, IAs target the information itself.
Three major factors should be considered when assessing the OPFOR computer warfare capabilities. First is the level of mobility of the OPFOR’s INFOWAR capability, second is the level of dominance or control the OPFOR enjoys in the cyber domain, and third is range of effects available to of the OPFOR cyber activities.
